Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Get Reconnected, Recommitted, and Stay Motivated

Get Reconnected, Recommitted, and Remotivated
Easter is the celebration of Christ's rebirth or ressurection from the dead. There is NO better time than NOW to get reconnected on who you really are and who you really want to be!! Now is the time to focus on YOU and what YOU want in your life. If you can change anything about you, what would it be? If you could be anyone or anything you wanted to be, who are what would you be? Most importantlly, Why? are you not fully content? Of course not. We are always striving to live to our fullest potential and to be the best we can be. This is our soul's aspiration.
I. Reconnecting with our deepest source (Our Soul):
After seriouslly asking yourself the above questions, you should be able to come up with at least several concrete answers. These are your GOALS, so write them down somewhere that you MUST see them everyday to remind you. It is too easy to forget and get caught up in our old habits with our everyday hustle and bustle. Until we start to live to our full potential we will NEVER be satisfied!
II. Recommitting to our highest potential. (Our true Self)
Writting down our dreams will transform them into reachable goals. Next we have to make an action plan on HOW to get there from here. This is where we strategize on breaking old negative habits and forming new positive habits. Replacing the negative behaivors that have prevented us from progressing in the past will give us new opportunities that we have never given ourselves before. For example, if one of our goals is to stop smoking and to exercise more, then replace the negative habit of smoking with something like jumping rope everytime we get the urge to light up. I know that it is easier said than done, but remember that these goals are yours, you have created them specifically for you. So write down how you are going to achieve these goals under the goals you have created.
III. Remotivating, finding your ultimate incentive.
Why change? Why not change? If you never change, how will this make you feel? How will this affect your happiness level? Answer these and write this down under your strategies on how to change.
Finding support for a healthy lifestyle and someone with similar goals can be overwhelming. If you are looking for someone to share your journey with that has the same aspirations you do if fitness and dating, start searching at:

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